Card Contenst 2069

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Card Creator

2020 is almost over and its time for a card contest with actual prices!

Some might have been drawn into the new CyberPunk 2077 lately as i was. I loved the setting and we sticked our heads together and decided to make it the topic for this Card Contest!. CyberPunk already has a lot of sex and corruption in it due to the dystopian topic and the world it draws. But it also has a ton of fights and action(s) in it, like hacking or improving your body with cyberware. So i immediately thought about the Skirmish Set, which is also one of the most beloved Set out there.

The new Set is called CyberSpunk 2069 and goes by the rules of the Skirmish Set (mostly).
Beside the reskin it will introduce a few more Card Types and uses more attributes and... well thats up to you! Because it is a community drafted set! You decide whats inside and if you contribute you can win one of the prices below!

1. Place
1 x 20 € Steam Card
2. Place
1 x 10€ Steam Card
3. Place
3 x 5€ Steam Card
Card Contest rules:
  • You must be over 18.
  • The Contest ends not before a playable Card Set was drafted or the contest is closed due to lack of activity.
  • A playable Set requires a minimum around 130 Enemies + 3 rests (+optional other cards). (Based on the Skirmish Set)
  • You can contribute as much cards as you want but if you contribute trash / uncreative cards or try other exploits to bring the set closer to the end we will remove them and might block you from contributing.
  • We judge the amount of contributed cards but moreover the quality of your submissions, one good Card can beat 20 uncreative.
  • At the end we will make a voting to check the communities favorites but in the end 0131 and (maybe, see rule below) the council of lewds (Moderators) decide who's worthy to win.
  • Moderators are allowed to contribute but they might be excluded from the price pool. If i allow Moderators to win they are excluded from the council of lewds for choosing the winner.
  • If the Contest lacks contribution (we see that it wont reach the state of a playable Set in a reasonable time) its canceled (no prices).
  • The Contest requires at least 10 different contributers to take place, otherwise it is canceled (no prices).
  • You are not allowed to contribute with different accounts, we check that.
  • Your account must be older than this Contest to be allowed to contribute. (I maybe make an exception here if you ask me nicely)
  • Contributions have to be uploaded to the Card Set here in the CTI 2 DB.
  • We might add more / tweak the prices during the contest if there is much interest / to maybe make it happen even if there is not so much contribution.
Card Creation rules:
  • Use the CyberSpunk 2069 logo!
  • Use the "CyberSpunk 2069" Set name as set name.
  • Use the default horizontal or vertical format.
  • The white box has to be filled with the image, no black bars!
  • Make sure the Card is written in proper english.
  • Fill the fields when uploading e.g. add an Image source.
  • Add the right tags to the Card:
    • CyberSpunk Level 1 Enemy
    • CyberSpunk Level 2 Though Enemy
    • CyberSpunk Level 3 Boss
    • CyberSpunk Rest
Cards not following these standards are most likely to be removed.

Set Rules:
You can read the Set rules here but in addition here are some bonus rules for contributing!
  • Stick to the CyberPunk topic! In text and images you choose.
  • Follow the layout for Enemies introduced by the Skirmish Set.
  • We will remove uncreative cards / unbalanced cards / mechanics we don't like, or we put them into a community add-on set, these cards are excluded from the main set and wont count as contribution.
  • You are allowed to introduce new mechanics but DON'T OVERDO! If you want to introduce smth. new make a topic about it first, listen what the comunity thinks about it. and contribute enough cards to work with that mechanic.
  • Make sure your cards are balanced!
  • You are totally allowed to copy the Cards of the Skimish Set with an CyberPunk-ish image.
    If you find a good image its a valid and good contribution! But please ensure you are not submitting duplicates!
Finally: You should have played the Skirmish Set at least once before contributing ; )

The Contest starts on Monday 21.12.2020 you may already prepare cards though!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls

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