New instructions format

CTI 2 Development.
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Do we have any sort of syntax or basic rules we can look at until the new system is up so we can make pseudo cards? I know there's no way to start making cards this early into the program, but it would be nice if I had something to work with so I could copy/paste new cards into existence when they are ready.

I'm thinking about setting up instructions, logo, picture, etc. all into a folder for each new card so I can pump them out once CTI2 is ready. However without syntax it's going to slow things down.
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Card Creator

All i could give you is the code / interface of the "CTI-Card" Class, each card inherits form this class it also implements the most important and most used features...
But this class is always under construction so it would not be very reliable.

You can find some codesamples here but they are also outdated...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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I figured as much. No worries, I will just pseudo code my cards together until we have something more concrete.
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Card Creator

My goal is to implement a basic editor to create CTI 2 cards without java knowlege, but this is one of the last things to do...

I will port any desired card idea into CTI 2 at the beginning if it is possible : )

But anyway there will be a way to make cards by yourself in java, .. when its done.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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My advice, if you try to implement a user friendly interface for making cards that doesn't require programming knowledge, use the Tinkertoy method. Basically like the MIT app inventor did.
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