labyrinth deck

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With CTI 2 coming out in the near future I have decided to start work on a CTI 2 exclusive deck. It will be known as the labyrinth deck and I will happily accept any help I can get in making it. The idea is to structure the tease as a maze with you stuck somewhere in it with the goal of escaping the maze. There are few few snags in the plan however that I could use some help resolving if anyone has any suggestions.

#1 I would like the maze to actually feel like a maze. Now in theory this should be possible with the new viewer since instructions can reference older instructions. However I'm unsure as to the best method for making use of this. Allowing the players to backtrack at will would be ideal, but I'm not sure how smooth that would be. Perhaps only allowing players to double back when they hit dead ends would be smoother in the viewer?

#2 Ideally the labyrinth would be persistent in case you are unable to finish it in a single sitting. This would not only allow for larger mazes, but would also prevent the player from simply quitting if they hit a dead end and didn't want to backtrack through some rough rooms. The goal should be to finish the maze not just get to the first chance to cum and call it quits. However I have my doubts as to how much data can be stored between teases.

#3 Lastly I would like the player's choices to matter in some way. Perhaps dead ends or rooms with locked up items that would leave the players with the choice to come back for them later having to double back through rooms they'd rather avoid.

As for the cards themselves we would have a few additions.
-(Rooms) instructions that are repeated or have special instructions if you revisit the instruction card.
-(Layout) instruction cards that change the flow of the tease by splitting the path, placing a dead-end, or otherwise preventing/causing you to backtrack.
-(Encounters) one time instruction cards that typically can't be revisited by doubling back. Such as getting a useful item or nasty trap

Some other cards could be used as well even if they don't quite fit into these categories.

That about wraps up my idea for the time being. Any comments, ideas, questions would be apreciated.
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Nice idea :D

Reminds me a little bit of this:
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Yes, but you see with those it's the same maze every game to the point where if you play it often enough it gets stale. My idea uses your own deck and could potentially be vastly different every time you play. I'm just not too fond of how haphazard it's going to be to design inside the new viewer. Hell it might not even be possible to do it the way I want at all.
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Never realized chose your own adventure maps were so beautiful. Or, my favorite Maze (requires you to find the center, then exit.)

(Edited on PC)
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Last edited by Inside7shadows on 19 Aug 2015, 04:59, edited 2 times in total.
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I don't really see any harm in letting people backtrack freely, especially if these encounter cards can't be "farmed." If anything, it gives the player more choice, which sounds like something you'd want; otherwise, you're just playing a themed deck.

Also, does the player get a map, or would you have to keep track in your head?
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Okay, so we could do this forever, but I just want to post this, and I promise I'll stop.
| +
Hunt the Wumpas
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No need to stop. :D I'm actually really excited that I've gotten an idea that's caught people's interest. I'll try to post some ideas for mechanics later today and hopefully get some feedback from people.

P.S. apologies to all those giving me feedback. I've been really busy lately and haven't had much chance to post recently.
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Once again, sorry for the delay. Life is more hectic than I'd like right now. Without further delay, here are the ideas I have for the maze movement mechanics.

#1 minimal choice:
Plays mostly like your normal tease with occasional instructions causing you to backtrack and take a path X instructions ago or similar. This option is the one I like the least, but is the only one I could think of that will work without a player drawn map or chart.

#2 branches/junctions:
Normal tease but has intersection cards. Every time you draw one of these cards you keep track of all the slides after it and may return to that intersection and take a different branch in that junction. The downside is CTI is not designed to track this amount of info to my knowledge and would require you to write it down as you go.

#3 full maze:
Most desirable option in my opinion. Have a simple maze like I7's second picture and just jot down the instruction's slide number in that room as you move through the maze. Requires that you make a sizable maze beforehand, but gives you a lot of control of both how difficult the tease might be and how easily you can track your maze.

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I think a backtracking mesh is the best option to preserve flavor. If you're just going down sections of maze and then trying a new fork, it's just as linear as a regular tease.

You also might consider making all the nodes the same card type.

But the more I think about it, the more I want a literal CTI Wumpus Hint: The Wumpus is your Chance to Cum. [Press Q to fire]

I'm sure you'll come up with something good.

Also, I keep loosing this, so I'm cross posting it here
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XD I remember the wumpus! Was the second text based game I ever played if I remember correctly.
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