CTI 2 ideas

CTI 2 Development.
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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I was turning over the concept of a new CTI format and teaseviewers in general and I had some ideas.

CTI as a system has been evolving as people make cards, with new concepts being introduced through sets or supplements and adopted on a wide scale. Any good new format will take these ideas and bake them in while affording card makers new tools to play with. I've seen a lot of people lament that a lot of 'low-hanging fruit' is gone with the variables available in the original system. Honestly, that may be a big part of why the old community died. There just wasn't much else to do with Classic CTI cards without making players memorize a lot of complicated shit.

So far you've been talking about streamlining and improving the experience for players, and that's good. Getting rid of cards that negate later cards is great. Preventing the system from drawing irrelevant cards is great. But you have an excellent opportunity to use things like card probabilities to enhance the core mechanics.

Adding choices to cards is obvious, and it's already been suggested, but I'll throw in my own hat as well. Letting cards have buttons to choose one option or the other is going to give you an enormous amount of new possibilities.

One thing has come up repeatedly, and crafters were obviously playing with this to add mechanical complexity: In-game currencies. Trick or Treat used a positive currency and a negative currency. Stamina uses tokens. Bar Scenario plays with using drinks as a currency. Punishments, which you're explicitly incorporating, are a non-currency resource but they come from a very similar line of thinking.

I suggest adding currencies that cards can access. Nice and Rough points (blue and red), which would be commonly used. Then Favors and Penalties (gold and black), which would be less common.

Nice and Rough points would feed into an overall Mood - Nice points move Mistress toward the Nice end of the spectrum, Rough points move her toward the Rough end of the spectrum. This is an idea that a lot of cards play with, usually by implying that the Mistress switches moods with each Nice or Rough Mistress cards. Tracking a Mood would give you more granularity, and it would give each tease a very organic sort of ebb and flow. This would also give a real sense of personality - implying that there's an actual simulated character controlling events.

A Rougher Mood should increase the probability of drawing Rough cards (Rough Mistress and Humiliation), and increase the probability of moving the stroke rate out of the 'comfortable range'. Restraint cards (Chastity Belt and Bondage) could be made more severe by a Rough Mood.

A Nicer Mood should have the opposite effect. Higher probability of Nice cards (Nice Mistress), higher probability to move the stroke rate towards the 'comfortable range', less severe Restraint cards.

Favors would really only be for crafters to use, although they would allow crossover between different set mechanics. Trick or Treat and Stamina are sets that would use favors now. Trick or Treat would offer choices with each card, one option granting a favor and one option removing a favor or granting a penalty. Things like CtC cards could then check the number of favors or check (Favors - Penalties). The Stamina set shows that there should also probably be an option to grant long-term favors/penalties to an account rather than just within the tease.

Penalties are mostly the same, something for crafters to use. However, I would suggest also using them for failed instructions/edges/etc. Give the player a button to manually add a penalty. Punishments should each have a penalty cost. At the end of the tease, draw Punishments until all the penalties have been spent.

Given this system, I would suggest the following card types:

NICE: Replaces Nice Mistress. More common with Nice Mood, less common with Rough Mood. Some Nice cards require the player to do something or lose Nice points.

ROUGH: Replaces Rough Mistress and Humiliation. More common with Rough Mood, less common with Nice Mood. Some Rough cards allow the player to do something and remove Rough points.

RESTRAINT: Replaces Bondage, Chastity Belt, and Key. More severe with Rough Mood, less severe with Nice Mood.

MOOD: Grants Nice/Rough Mood points. May have other effects. Some Mood cards allow the player to choose between a gentle option that grants Rough points or a harsh option that grants Nice points.

CHANCE: Replaces Chance to Cum. Affected by Mood and possibly Favors/Penalties.

PUNISHMENT: Replaces the current ad-hoc Punishment cards, which are mostly Rough Mistress or Humiliation. Each has a Penalty cost. Punishment cards are drawn after the tease until all Penalties are spent.

SPECIAL: There will probably still need to be a Special category for cards that change the rules or simply don't fit the existing paradigm.

I would also suggest the following additions to the UI:

Stroke tab: Always active. Contains stroke rate, method, and position. Rate works like it always has. Method and position are just strings that cards can add. When a card adds a method or position, it overrides the existing method or position.

Chance to Cum tab: Pops up if a card prompts it. Contains a slide counter and conditions. The slide counter starts at some number given by the card and counts down each slide until 0, when the tab disappears again. 'Conditions' is just a text area that can be provided by the card. If a card adds a new Chance while one is active, the new Chance overrides the old Chance. The player should be able to manually close Chance tabs.

Chastity tab: Pops up if a card prompts it. Just like the Chance to Cum tab, contains a slide counter and conditions. Overriden by new Chastity tabs. The player should be able to manually close Chastity tabs, and some Restraint cards should end Chastity or offer the option to end Chastity.

Sorry if this comes across as just a gigantic wishlist, but I'm really excited to see what you're doing here. Custom Tease Instructor has always fascinated me from a game-design standpoint, and I wanted to help contribute to the next phase of development.
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Haha as if you knew the current dev state, many features you mentioned are implemented they way you described it.
I would also suggest the following additions to the UI:

Stroke tab: Always active. Contains stroke rate, method, and position. Rate works like it always has. Method and position are just strings that cards can add. When a card adds a method or position, it overrides the existing method or position.

Chance to Cum tab: Pops up if a card prompts it. Contains a slide counter and conditions. The slide counter starts at some number given by the card and counts down each slide until 0, when the tab disappears again. 'Conditions' is just a text area that can be provided by the card. If a card adds a new Chance while one is active, the new Chance overrides the old Chance. The player should be able to manually close Chance tabs.

Chastity tab: Pops up if a card prompts it. Just like the Chance to Cum tab, contains a slide counter and conditions. Overriden by new Chastity tabs. The player should be able to manually close Chastity tabs, and some Restraint cards should end Chastity or offer the option to end Chastity.
I already made such a system it contains messages + quicklinks for the cti2 cards, im currently working on an additional conentmanagement for pop-up messages + functions for cards for example there is a card wich says that you may ignore any card you like if you also ignore one chance to cum card, so i want a pop-up on any card which offers you to ignore the card (this is already implemented and doing so leads to punishment points, but cards should be able to produce own popups with functions).
Penalties are mostly the same, something for crafters to use. However, I would suggest also using them for failed instructions/edges/etc. Give the player a button to manually add a penalty. Punishments should each have a penalty cost. At the end of the tease, draw Punishments until all the penalties have been spent.
Thats the (~) way i planed to implement it =)
example.png (388.95 KiB) Viewed 5903 times
What you can see here is the sidebar with a "state"-system where cards can register to a "state" e.g. Stroke-It! card wants you to get into a specific stroking position, there are different modes the default mode is that if another card registers to the same "state" any other registered card is overwritten, because you normaly can´t follow 2 stroking positions.
Each registered card also adds a quicklink icon, which opens the "simple" card manager menue, where you can remove, redraw.... all active cards.

Some stuff i do different because of ...reasons:
I suggest adding currencies that cards can access
There is currently a punishment value, you get these points by ignoring cards, skipping slides, ....
I also thought about a "mood" value so each card can choose different levels of effects but this would force each card to implement effects based on the mood state or to ignore this value and just deliver one effect.
Which would lead to a problem we already encouter in CTI Classic, too many different systems trying to interact.
So the basic system won´t have a "mood", but it can be easylie added with a set.

Given this system, I would suggest the following card types:
I wont change the existing card types but every set can use, implement ... its own types.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Well, damn. That's really exciting to hear. Now I'm just a million times more excited to get my hands on the editor.

Thanks for all the hard work and for hearing me out :)
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In-game currencies. Trick or Treat used a positive currency and a negative currency. Stamina uses tokens. Bar Scenario plays with using drinks as a currency
I understand this wasn't an exhaustive list, but I wanted to give a shout out to Carnival as well.

In addition, 'Ignore a Chance to Cum' is basically a currency.

And thanks again to 0131 for listening to all the crazy user rants.
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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The current state of CTI includes 'Ignore X' as a whole category of currencies. The crafters even explicitly recognize it - I've seen cards with 'ignore one less' Nice Mistress, Rough Mistress, Chance to Cum, and even Key. But 0131 has said that CTI 2 won't have this mechanic, and I think that's a good move.

Dammit, I want to play with that Mood stat already. I may pseudo up a set that uses it.
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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I was poking through card folders and had another thought. You've said that you're supporting tags and probability modifiers. Maybe the player could have a slider for tag probability. Each tag would go from 'Off' (no cards containing the tag will be drawn, effectively a blacklist), through '1x' (normal probability) up to higher multipliers (2x, 5x, 10x, etc.) Then cards with that tag would be more or less likely to be drawn. This would let the player 'theme' a tease very easily, and with clever use it could tune subcategories within card types. This might even help ease compatibility issues for folks who want to mix sets. Combine it with the use of player-added tags and this would be a very powerful feature.
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Card Creator

includes 'Ignore X' as a whole category of currencies
There is no (global) variable/list/stack which says how many ctc you have to ignore, i was just talking about a card which offers you to ignore a card at the cost of an future ctc, a global value to hold such a number isn´t required aslong the card can manage the ctc count by itself.

But while we are talking about that, i think a global storage system for such values could be necessary to allow some card effects "Nice Mistress: The amount of chance to cum cards you have to ignore is now 0"....
I've seen cards with 'ignore one less' Nice Mistress, Rough Mistress, Chance to Cum, and even Key. But 0131 has said that CTI 2 won't have this mechanic, and I think that's a good move.
I will add a variables for all card types... but i don´t see them as currency ^^

I was poking through card folders and had another thought. You've said that you're supporting tags and probability modifiers. Maybe the player could have a slider for tag probability. Each tag would go from 'Off' (no cards containing the tag will be drawn, effectively a blacklist), through '1x' (normal probability) up to higher multipliers (2x, 5x, 10x, etc.) Then cards with that tag would be more or less likely to be drawn. This would let the player 'theme' a tease very easily, and with clever use it could tune subcategories within card types. This might even help ease compatibility issues for folks who want to mix sets. Combine it with the use of player-added tags and this would be a very powerful feature.
Yes thats planed, cards should be also able to play with the tags, like a punishment which adds 50% more "enema" tagged cards during you next tease.
example2.png (36.39 KiB) Viewed 5891 times
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Oh lord, dat configuration screen... I'm going to have to add that screenshot to my pics folder 'cause it's so damn sexy.
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