I've done more stuff

Projects, Forum related topics and more.
Created software for the community!
Created software for the community!
Keys: 128,82 
Posts: 422
Joined: 13 Mar 2016, 16:25
Location: Spain
Gender: Male
Type: Dominant
Orientation: Gay

Hello everyone again!

I have not been here for a while. But you all know can hit my Discord or Telegram if you need something from me!

For some work reasons I ended up learning some web development with Angular. And of course I ended up doing a little CTI-like teaser :')

My web started as a little challenge-tracker for my himbros. You set up a challenge for yourself and get good points if you are successfull. And bad points if you are not.

But... What would you do with the points? Well... I though about having a deck of possible punishments and rewards...

But since I have been in touch with the gooning community lately... The first cards were for poppers and those make more sense in a cti tease.
So I built it!

Now you have a bunch of cards that cost points to get drawn. You choose your deck, your porn pics and start getting your rewards and punishements.

I even ended up connecting my Coyote e-stim to some shock card :D That's pretty fun.

And I rememeber someone asked, but I have redone my e621 picture predictor. They had changed a lot of their api.

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