Playing Cards

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So I'm working on creating a playing card game using CTI1 style cards and wanted to know if anyone is interested in seeing the results and help create cards to expand it. Unlike a tease, this will be an actual game with the goal of being playable both short and long term with group play in mind.

Base Card Types:
--Toy (physical items EX. handcuffs, gags, plugs)
--Rule (events to occur to players EX. paddling, push-ups, silence)
--Modifier (cards that alter the duration, amount, and other properties of toy and rule cards)
--Challenge (tasks for players to complete)
--Consequence (what happens on win/loss)
--Game Changer (change basic tales of the game EX. turn order, drawing/discarding)

Single sitting game:
Players each draw a Consequence Card to start and then draw 3 random cards from the entire deck. Each turn, players play cards against each other in an attempt to subdue them or force them to surrender. Each player draws a card at the end of their turn. Toy and rule cards last for only 3 turns unless attached to a modifier card (see card) or challenge card (until complete). Every X turns a challenge with one or more toys, rules and modifiers can be drawn at random and apply to all players to make the game more interesting. Last player standing gets the win of their consequence card and gets to apply the loss condition of their card or their opponent's card to the losers.

Long term game:
Players get to draw X cards each day and play cards against each other similarly to a short term game, however cards must be attached to a challenge card. Additionally each day one or more challenges are issued to all players fully loaded with toys, rules, and a Consequence card and goes into effect if not completed by <date>.

The rules can be set to taste and situation of course, but I'd like to try and keep all the cards playable where possible. If anyone is interested let me know all I'll post my results when they are ready.
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Sounds great, maybe we could do an online version for on the forums :D
If you could give an example card, that'd be cool. I'm currently working on an online CTI card creator, maybe I could add a card creator for your game if you'd like.
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We have enough quality CTI1 card creators as it is, unless you are making a CTI2 creator which would just be amazing and I would love to help with. My cards are basically standard CTI cards but with the mindset to use them as playing cards instead with custom card types. Basically this means making cards with much simpler ideas except on Consequence cards which are able to be complex simply because they are generally only used at the end of the game and don't have to worry about interfering with the game as hard.

Some good examples of each category would be:
--Toy: handcuffs (Toy cards are supposed to be straightforward as possible and will likely vary heavily from player to player)
--Rule: at the end of every player's turn they get to spank your ass
--Modifier: triple the amount and duration of the rule or toy this card modifies
--Challenge: Play a round of solitaire with 2 suits and win to remove this challenge.
--Consequence: On win you may orgasm however you like. On loss all your in play toys and rules remain for half an hour unless you help the winner orgasm. If attached to a challenge card increase the duration of all toys and rules on every failed attempt.
--Game Changer: for the next 3 turns draw an extra card every time another player plays more than one card on their turn.

Though in all honesty I'm more worried about my play system right now. I can always make more cards as I go even if no one else is interested. My playing system right now though is either going to be something I kludge together with folders of cards and a bunch of batch files, or fumbling around with Roll20. There just doesn't seem to be any really good virtual card tables that aren't limited to either a standard deck of cards or a trading card game like Magic the Gathering.
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Well yes, CTI2 is going to be a part of it, but I'm a bit of a goof with regular Java, so everytime I look at it, I'll find something else to do :S
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The idea is interesting. There were a couple of takes on a couples' sets but the only competitive thing I can remember was the exchanging stamina teases. A few thoughts, though:
- While playing with actual physical cards would be interesting, most erotic games for couples are used mainly for foreplay since when 2 people are comfortable enough to do sexual acts to each other, they might as well just go all the way and fuck. But an online version seems to have more merit, although then there's little to stop from cheating.
- some vanilla cards are easy enough to make playable, but many people have different kinks. The question is: who makes the deck? If your enemy makes the deck, it will most likely have cards that you have no interest of following. For example, if I got a sounding card, I would just ignore it, possibly losing the game by default. If you make the deck to play against, however, there's the risk of making the deck to easy for yourself.
My suggestion would be to make a mix of the two: a deck would consist of cards provided by both players, each player giving different types of cards.
- It's hard to determine a final goal that would be most convenient. Challenges have the problem that they can make a game very short and may give the feeling as if every challenge that fails to end the game was just wasted. Most card games some goal you gradually build upon, perhaps we could have some stats-oriented card game where the effect are more of a by-product. Or, the goal could be to make the other person cum through the cards.

Anyway, these are just my thoughts and you're the author of the idea.
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Lol hajtos, all of what you've said are thoughts I've had. It's one of the reasons I settled on focusing on making just the base rules and was planning originally on it just being a game for my wife and I. I simply figured I'd post it just in case some other people actually were interested. For my wife and I we were planning on using a shared deck that included things that hit both of our likes and dislikes. Though my original idea did have each player making their own deck. When it comes right down to it, this is unlikely to be a game that takes off in popularity simply because it really is designed for people who know each other even though it could be adapted to other playstyles.

As it stands, most cards I make besides toy/rule cards are likely to be geared more towards the longterm playstyle for multiple reasons. Short term play is likely to be something I work on later. I'm really looking forward to how this plays out once I have time to sit down and make all the cards I need to get started.
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So just to make sure I'm getting the right idea of your lil' game here.
Would this card be one you'd consider adding to your deck? (Asides from the imaging of course).
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krell1.png (210.65 KiB) Viewed 15750 times
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You can look at Maptools. They should have some support for cards, but it's a secondary function.

I'm reminded of when Kink had to drop Bondage Trials due to a consern models would hurt themselves getting overly competitive. Not sure how Ultimate Surrender was set up in terms of safety.
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Simon wrote:So just to make sure I'm getting the right idea of your lil' game here.
Would this card be one you'd consider adding to your deck? (Asides from the imaging of course).
Image | +
Not quite, Toy cards are meant to be the most straightforward card in the game. Each one quite literally represents a physical object. Now that would make a good Rule card as an example.
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I see, interesting to say the least.
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