Collection of Possible Bugs

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1. Punishemnt rough mistress 49. Requires you hold and enema for 3600000 hours which is 410 years.
2. Punishment dilema 3 the instructions in the active punishments screen are the opposite of the choice you made. Additionally it states you need to cum 21 times a day as opposed to 3 times a day for a week. The in tease effects work as originally chosen for not being able to cum, unsure about the cum 3 (21) times a day
3.Punishment dilemma 2 states it requires a gag when you are actually missing a leash.

4.If you reach the lose condition in fucked silly you don't get an active card effect that prevents you from starting a new tease.
5. Core set special 5 doesn't have a punishement cost for ending it's effect from the active card menu.
6.a Fuck silly Punsihment 4 seems like it can't be drawn. It is ticked in the card manager put if i disable all other options other than it, no card is drawn.
6.b. The same effect occurs with Punishment Dilema 2. Additioninal in the dilemas case veiwing the card in the card manger deletes all text from the card until it is viewed again.
7.Punishement rough mistress 5 doesn't seem to work on punishemnt dilema's manually drawn outside teases. Should work now but there is no dilemma which can be drawn outside where it would make sense.
8.Core Set Edge 3 The description in the manger says edge on cards featuring domination while the card say's edge on cards featuring feet which is the same text as the card Core Set Edge 2.
9. Currently the Sexual Trivia Work it 1 card can be drawn while in leg bondage/ while walking on all fours. The problem is this card starts a sub tease which require 5 work it card to be drawn and played but all the other 3 work it cards currently implemented are blocked from being drawn if your walking on all fours/ in leg bondage ( i was in both at the time so don't know which prevent the cards being drawn)
10.When punishment dilema 4 is drawn manually while in a tease neither of it's effect occur when accepting the card.
11.Fucked Silly Punishment 2. State when drawn you have a week to strip in a library. When the card is accepted and veiwed in the active punishments section it state you have 24 weeks to complete the task. Additionally there doesn't seem to be a complete option unless that won't appear until the end of the time limit which is currently 24 weeks.
12. I already mentions this one on the discord but i'll added it here to make it easier to find. Punishemnt rough mistress 25 states that until you next tease you have to draw a punishement everyday, and remove all active punishements. This means that manually drawing another punishemnt card will remove all the active punishments you were currently under without any penalties for "failing them" While the card is technically working correctly as worded. The current effect of the card makes it the nicest mitress to ever exist as you could continously draw punishment cards and accept them all without ever intending to complete them since this "rough" mistress will kindly forgot about them when ever you draw a new punishment. My suggested possible solutions for this are a.Errata the card to no longer remove an active punishements when drawing new ones. b.Have the card only remove the punishements it specifically added it's self. c. When she replaces your active punishments you automatically fail them, additionally you cannot manually draw card or have them drawn for you for the first 24h while the card is active. This will prevent you from having you punishemnt randomly failed.
13. When forced to draw a card by mistress with the associated increased penalty for declining, you are able to accept the punishment then immediatly fail it to receive less punishemnt points than declining it out right.
14. Core Set humiliation 4. Implies you should be hand's off until the next mistress but the hand's off indicator is not active when this card is drawn.
15.Fucked Silly Delusion 3. This probably isn't a bug but i'll mention just in case. It states that the mind states (this should say mental states) can effect the entire tease veiwer. Should it also effect the setting menu's as well or not. The only effect i have seen is the pictures blur when you have amblyopia, and that the ad's spawn by mental state 8 (computer brain virus) can now have their text modified by the other mental states. This may be the only intended effects in which case this isn't actually a bug.
Most of them aren't urgent just thought i should mention them incase they hadn't be noticed yet.

Bugs i saw in
1.Chance to cum card now indicate you can now cum, and you no longer get punished even if you had permission. The new problem is that you never lose the permission in some casess and the card effect never ends. The two specific example is core set. chance to cum. 5 will ask after every mistress you pull for the rest of the tease if you came, additionally you don't lose permission after cumming .
The other one being core set .chance to cum.2 which give you permission until the end of the next chance to cum effect, you are able to leave the tease as normal after the following chance to cum.
2.Had a weird interaction between fucked silly. humiliation. 1 and fucked silly. chance to cum.7 The slides could not be moved forward or backward. I couldn't leave the tease due coreset. chance to cum. 2 being in effect. Eventually i lost the ability to click anything in the tease and had to tab out and close it from the comand window (i launch the game with the debug batch file as i won't open otherwise).
I suspect the issue in this case is related to giving the user enough time to type out their instructions, but your not given the option to say when you have completed the task.

Most likely your Teaseviewer crashed, please start via the debug comand with the CMD console open to see if errors are thrown, otherwise this is far too vague to fix.
I think the actually cause of the crash was related to core set rough mistress 17 which says you may only edge on your next chance to cum, as i crashed on a chacne to cum card again, although it didnt even load this image this time, but that rough mistress was active in both cases. i will post the debuglog in new post at end of thread.

3.Fucked silly punishment 4 is now drawable. There are a couple of issues with it though, it replaces the card that would normally be drawn (it reads as though both effects should occur). The more relavent issues is that it 404's when the card it's replacing would be drawn. A very few times i think i was able to draw the replacement card but most of the time it either 404's or gives a black screen.
3.b The card effect can still be added to punishements which are generally drawn outside of teases, as in the current iteration in replaces the card entirely this prevent the card being drawn at all, and if it was drawn outside the tease it would have not effect.

4. Punishment dilema 3. As it auto accept's aftering picking an option now, while also preventing you selecting accept to avoid getting either choice. The inability to accept the punishement is not removed until you restart the program.
So the bug is after picking a choice for Punishment dilema 3, you no longer have the ability to accept any more punishment until you reopen the client.


1. Suplemental dilema 5
If you select double my slide duration it instead set's the slide duration to 0.1 Seconds.
2. When drawing nice mistress, punishement, 1 during a tease there is insufficient time in some case to select an option. Potentially it should have a minimum slide duration like some of the dilema cards?
Last edited by ShadowTease on 02 May 2021, 14:19, edited 5 times in total.
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Just noticed another bug with punishment dilema 3. If you select accept instead of selecting one of the two choice you still lose 100 punishment point but arent given either option and can imediatly redraw the card again.
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Found another minor bug.
If you fail to keep stroking on core set chance to cum 13, by exiting the tease early. You are unable to veiw your active card's including ongoing punishements. The card will still start you in chastity on your next tease as normal however and then your able to veiw your active cards again.
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Woaw so many reports : )
And bugs x.x time to get back to this!

Thank you!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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I'll really quickly add a super odd bug before i go to sleep.
"Punishment Humiliation 9" when actives sets the slide timer on all CTI2 teases performed to 0.1 seconds inrelavent of what time is selected when creating the tease. As a relavent note the initial stoke count is set at the correct number if the slide timer was working properly.

I repeated the test twice. Initially i tried restarting the client that didn't work. I then just opted to fail my active punishemnts to try and fix it.
I then pulled punishment card until i could get the punishment again to test if the bug was repeated which it seems to be.
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Marked all bugs i fixed for the next release with green :Lolita:

+ 100 Keys for all your hard work! :Cheerleader:
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Was number 4 not a bug since you have crossed it out, which i assume mean that it wasn't determined to be a bug.
i had though it was a bug as i assumed it would give an active card effect similar to "core set, nice mistress, 11"

Some other very minor potential bugs
1. "core set, nice mistress, 11" duration doesn't stack with it's self, additionally it doesn't stack with "punishement, rough mistress 17" which is suposed to extend the timer by 48 hours.
2. Punishment, Rough mistress 53 can be drawn multiple times in a row with not listed additional effects. This includes being able to be drawn as all card drawn when forced to draw multiple cards.

Thanks for taking the time on working on the progam.
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9. Currently the Sexual Trivia Work it 1 card can be drawn while in leg bondage/ while walking on all fours. The problem is this card starts a sub tease which require 5 work it card to be drawn and played but all the other 3 work it cards currently implemented are blocked from being drawn if your walking on all fours/ in leg bondage ( i was in both at the time so don't know which prevent the cards being drawn)
- This will be an issue until we get more cards. Would you like to come up with a simple work it card which works under almost all circumstances? Maybe smth. PC bounce related. But if someone decides to to remove that card we are again in trouble.

Fixed some bugs today, the yellow marked bugs are those i couldn't reproduce. Maybe u just got lucky and the random PP malus was 0.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Short Question.
Are this fixes in the download or are there collected till the next Release?
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They will be released as one bugfix update as soon as i got most covered.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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