Need someone else's opinion on "Stroke it" cards.

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I don't play often, but when I do it seems to me that "Stroke It" cards are the most boring cards in the deck. And now I am trying to create my own set. And I am kinda stuck on "Stroke It" cards. So I need a third party opinion.

1) What "Stroke It" cards do you prefer?
2) How much do you care about them?

All answers will be appreciated.
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From my view its good to change the stroking pattern or stroking position from time to time.
They are maybe a bit boring but they are neccesary and should help balancing the strokerate for example if the slideduration has changed.
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Stroke it cards are mostly used to control stroke count and slide duration, stroke patterns or positions.

I had the same problem when I started making custom decks for me. I found I had some cards (nice/rough masters) that could be changed into stroke it cards.

I also made them more gambling than they are in the Core Deck. Just changing SC/SD by +X or -X will get boring soon.
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Hmm.. well I don't use many Stroke it cards. My most used set has about 5 Stroke it cards per 60 other cards.
But general imbalance of card types is a problem if one uses few of the general cards in my opinion.
For the card types I use few I generally either edits the cards to include something that ends the effect except another card of the same type or just make a general rule for myself that those card types also always end through some other condition. Else some effects can become quite unpleasant, because they usually aren't intended to last for half a tease or more. (or they just get boring)

1) If I use them cards that simply do +2 or -1 stroke rate are rather boring, even though I also have one of each of those. Cards like this are already more exiting (and can be nicely automated with the teaseviewer). Aside from that change of stroke position can also be used for more uncomfortable positions. Positions that are more straining for the body can go closer in the direction of a rough mistress, especially if held over longer periods time, so that can also be used to spice things up.
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Yikes. My big tease is 33% stroke it cards. Stroke rates tend to be very low, primarily just to hold interest. Stroking techniques vary often in order to train the body to enjoy any stimulation (otherwise, you end up only responding to your standard stroke). Occasionally, higher numbers will pop up in order to risk unpleasant consequences to edging without permission. (I don't seem to have a list of these anywhere I can link to. One of them requires the player to draw a Reprimand at the start of the next tease or to 'Enter the Dungeon', for example).

Other teases like Skirmish and Stamina are almost exclusively Stroke It cards. But, that's the beauty of the Custom Tease Instructor. You get to make what ever you want. I would much rather see how you envision what CTI should be.
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I consider most Stroke It cards as ways to pace out the action. Rather than having all dramatic, high intensity cards all the time, sometimes you just need to include a few basic ones. Of course, I love the more complicated Stroke Its, too.

Don't feel like you need to include a specific number of any type of card. If you come up with a card that affects your stroke rate or position, then add a Stroke It card, but otherwise don't worry about coming up with them specifically.
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I almost always have more "stroke it" cards than any other card type individually. It gives each tease its own unique feel. Sometimes I end up with an average stroke rate around 8 and sometimes it seems to stay above 30. Your CTI master gets to decide your stroke rate each tease, not you. If I wanted to stroke at a certain rate, I would just do that instead of completing a tease. That's my thought on the matter.
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In order to make the "Stroke it" cards more interesting, you could make the change of the stroke rate dependant on the position, a previous card or other circumstances. Other means of adding interest could be setting a task to repeat every x strokes or maybe replacing stroking with other activities and ways of stimulation. Well, that's only my opinion on the Stroke it cards, I don't know if other people see it the same way. I might just give it a shot and try to make some cards like this for my next tease.
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