CTI 2 - Release 0.7.0

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Card Creator

*Use "ZIP-Download"
Yay it's here!

  • Discord reached 800+ members.
CTI 2 Packs
  • Core Set
  • Classic Set *new
  • Sexual Trivia Set
  • Punishment Set *new
  • Fucked Silly Set
New Features
  • Punishment System with more than 130 Punishments
  • Removed some bugs
  • Added much more bugs
To Do:
  • Balance Punishment Points
Known Bugs:
  • Card Creator has problems with Cards resulting in Gif-Animations bigger than 30Mb
  • Under certain conditions the Card Creator can overwrite existing cards.
  • CTI 2 and window mode are a really bad combination, do not use that.


Reminder: Streams require port 7131 on firewall / router to work.


You should expect many bugs! But you can help me to remove them:
There is now a start-debug.bat which opens the teaseviewer with the command line interface, if any exception is thrown you can see it there.
If smth happens help me by sending me a copy of the output and a description of how this happened or how this can be reproduced.

This set adds punishments to your CTI expierience, each time you try to cheat yourself there is a chance to gather Punishment Points.
Punishment Points have a bad influence to your relationship with CTI-tan (the personification of this software).
While sharing a bad relationship with her she will try to make your sessions harder and harder in every possible way.
One possible way to make Mistress happy again is to draw punishment cards before, after or during your sessions.
This can be done in the Punishment menu, don't forget to select CTI 2 mode first.
Accepting a drawn punishment will reduce your Punishment Points but declining will further increase them by a small amount.
The more Punishment Points you have the higher the risk that Mistress will draw a punishment for you.
This can happen anytime, inside or outside a session and this time she wont let you go away easy, ignoring such a punishment can result in a big rise of your punishment points.
Punishmenttan | +
puni_transp.png (32.68 KiB) Viewed 16845 times
  • What is a Punishment?
    A Punishment is a special CTI 2 card which is drawn to make up for small to big misdemeanors.
    We support CTI 2 and Classic Punishments:
    Classic Punishments should be put inside a seperate folder to drawn from.
    CTI 2 Punishments are included inside the Software itself.
  • When do i draw them?
    You can draw them Before, During or After your session.
    While some Punishments can only be drawn during one of these events, most work on any of them.
  • How do i draw them?
    If you want to draw a Classic Punishment set the CTI mode to 'CTI' and go to the Punishment menu, if your configured punishment folder contains cards you can draw a random card here:
    1.png (12.21 KiB) Viewed 16833 times
    If you want to draw a CTI 2 Punishment:
    1. Enable the Punishment Set and all Punishment cards of your likings in the CTI 2 menu:
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  • What are Punishment Points?
    In Classic CTI you had to keep track of your little misdemeanors by yourself, 0131's Teaseviewer can detect many of them automatically.
    While the Punishment Set is enabled, every rule violation will add a certain amount of Punishment Points (PP) to your account.
    Rule Violations:
    • Ignoring a card: 100 PP (can differ from card to card)
    • Changing slides manually
    • Changing stroke count manually
    • Changing stroke rate manually
    • Changing time between slides manually
    • Pausing on slides (most cards are fine, question cards of the Fucked Silly Set for example not)
    • Ending a tease without permission
    • Edging without permission
    • Cumming with permission (big no no)

      You can configure all these options in the Set configuration in the CTI 2 menu.
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    Once you gathered a few Punishment Points you should visit the Punishment menu, your Punishment Points are shown on the upper part of the menu in purple.
    You can draw a Punishment here which will reduce your Punishment Points by a certain amount bound to the drawn Punishment, the base Value is 100 PP but this can range up for more extreme card to 1000 PP or more!
    Accepting the Punishment will reduce your Punishment Points which is a good thing, declining it will add a random amount between 0 and the shown value of Punishment Points to your account.
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  • How does the Teaseviewer know if i follow a punishment?
    Most Punishment require you to do a certain task in a given time intervall.
    The Teaseviewer now remembers active Cards and Punishments which can be accessed in the Active Cards menu.
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    Go to the Punishments register to view the list of active Punishments.
    Once you finished the given task you can go here and mark the Punishment as Fullfilled, like a good boy / girl would.
    If you failed you have to mark it as Failed which will add even more Punishment Points to your account.
    The software also ensures that you can't cheat here and end Punishments early.
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    (Humiliation 001 can't be marked as Fullfilled since the required amount of time did not pass yet.)

    Once the required amount of time passed Punishment-tan will remind you:
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  • What happens if i ignore my Punishment Points?
    Then CTI-tan will start to draw them on random occasions for you and ignoring them will now much worse...
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If you like this project and want to contribute visit my patreon page : )
I will try to bring out new interesting content for patreon with the next update.


Thanks to Starwhore for tests and artwork.
Thanks to Rothaon and many others for card ideas.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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I'm having a bit of a problem with the new stuff. So I was using the program, and at one point it opened up a new tease from a card. After that tease was done it wouldn't close. Like nothing I did would make it close. Alt+f4 didn't even work. So the only thing I could do was end the task on task manager. Now, when I try to open the program again, it doesn't start up. Older versions still start up, but this one doesn't for some reason. Is there any way I can fix this?
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Card Creator

Try to replace the Main folder with one from a new downloaded version : )
Or just delete the old stuff and download it again.
Or start the software via command line and send me the errors appearing.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Ok so I tried a bunch of things. So only after deleting all the old downloads, and redownloading the newer version, it finally started up again. After I set all my options and profile stuff, I closed the program. I tried to open it again, and again it didn't load. I opened up the command prompt to run the program, and it finally loaded up, but all the settings were reset and I got red text just above the "generate" button saying:
"File Main/Data/CTI2/Sets/Fucked Silly/Dictionary/Italian.txt not found"
So, I went into the folders to try and find that, and it was there. I closed the program, tried to re open it, and still nothing. Tried using the start-debug and I don't really understand what was said there but But this is what it said:

Spoiler: show
C:\Users\Jessica\Downloads\0131's Teaseviewer\0131's Teaseviewer>java -jar teaseviewer.jar
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu.set_ratiobar(Mainmenu.java:3728)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu.set_custom_ratio(Mainmenu.java:3703)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu.preset_Stroke_It_SpinnerStateChanged(Mainmenu.java:13951)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu.access$3100(Mainmenu.java:187)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu$43.stateChanged(Mainmenu.java:5743)
at javax.swing.JSpinner.fireStateChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JSpinner$ModelListener.stateChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractSpinnerModel.fireStateChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel.setValue(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JSpinner.setValue(Unknown Source)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:368)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.Settings.SettingsManager.updateGUI(SettingsManager.java:400)
at Teaseviewer.FolderManager.loadConfiguration(FolderManager.java:756)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu.<init>(Mainmenu.java:4694)
at Teaseviewer.Mainmenu$229.run(Mainmenu.java:15673)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
2.2.1 Terry Pratchett (Weatherwax)
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Card Creator

Hmm ok this is the error Shijuchi found and we fixed that already.
I will upload a new version for you soon!

Sorry for the problems!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Ok cool :) no worries. Thank you for taking a look. Also thank you for continuing to work on this stuff. It's always a lot of fun exploring the new stuff you guys come up with.
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Card Creator

Updated the download section, hope this helps you : )
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Thank you so much, I'll give it a try in the near future and let you know if that fixed the issues I was having.
Torge Sander
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I had the same problems and downloaded the newer version yesterday. Today i would opened it and it doesn`t run.
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Card Creator

Hmm i see try the start -debug file to open it until i find what it is causing it.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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