Deck generation crash (when no card type subfolders?)

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Seems that no specific card sub-folders, even if no card of those type is used, prevent from good generation.

failed build : using only CTC while having only 60 cards in Chance to cum, 60 in Edge, 7 in Chastity belt, 3 in specials. Not even the empty folders for the other categories.
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Sorry i have some problems to understand the problem :P
Please deliver some more text and / or images.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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well, my initial card folder was like this, and the deck didn't generate well, even if I only use CTC cards
| +
I had to complete the folder as this to succed the generation
| +
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Card Creator

Ohh ok, yes this is required every cardtype needs its own folder... anywhere in the future i will allow custom card types for sets .. then i will rework that part.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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